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Okka Minio to be launched at the IHHS in March

Arzum Okka's best selling product, Okka Minio is due to launch at this year's IHHS (International Home and Housewares Show) in Chicago between 2 and 5 March.

Arzum will exhibit at its usual place at stand number L12558, Lakeside building at the show. As well as our flagship model, the OK001/2 series, which has been popular in the US market for more than 2 years, we will also show the OK004 Minio series which will be available to the Turkish coffee fans of North America from the beginning of March.

Both product series operate with 120V and comply with all US standards such as UL. They are shipped from our warehouse in New Jersey.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our stand and having a chat over a cup of delicious Turkish coffee. For details, contact: alp@coffeetalks.co.uk


  • Derya Hanım merhaba,

    İlginiz için teşekkürler. Okka Minio’lar için Mart ayı başında özel lansman fiyatıyla ön sipariş almaya başlayacağız. İlk ürünler Mart ayının ikinci yarısında ABD’ye varacak ve hemen dağıtıma başlayacağız.

    Coffee Talks Inc.

    Alp Somyurek
  • arzum minio ciktiginda haberdar olmak istiyorum. Bu modeli almak istiyorum mart 2ve5 arasinda satisa da sunulacak mi?

    Derya Senturk

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